Countering the far right in translation
a reading list
Interviews and Multimedia
Carson, Margaret. “Q&A with Candice Whitney and Barbara Ofosu-Somuah, editors/translators of “Future. il domani narrato dalle voci di oggi,” edited by Igiaba Scego.” Women in Translation, 11 Aug. 2020.
Rafael, Vicente. “Translation in Wartime,” lecture at the University of Washington, January 21, 2008.
Ritzmann, Alexander. Appeared in CEP Webinar: “The Right-Wing Terrorist Threat in Germany.” 18 Jan. 2021.
Whitney, Candice. Appeared in “Stories Without Borders: A Conversation with Igiaba Scego.” CasaItalianaNYU, YouTube, 17 June 2020.
Berger, Zackary, Sara Feldman and Anthony Russell. “Voices from Black Lives Matter Protests: קולות פֿון בלעק לײַװס מעטער פּראָטעסטן.” In Geveb, 19 June 2020.
Kai Biermann, Christian Fuchs, Astrid Geisler, Yassin Musharbash, and Holger Stark. “The Brown Internationale.” Die Zeit, 11 February 2021.
Boyarin, Jonah, Ri J. Turner and Arun Viswanath. “‘Black Lives Matter’ and Talking about Blackness in Yiddish: Stakes, Considerations, and Open Questions.” In Geveb, 27 Oct. 2020.
Brouwer, Aron, Rens Bod and Corina Koolen. “Translators’ influences on Hitler's Mein Kampf,” Digital Humanities in the Benelux, The Hague, 2014.
Komska, Yuliya. “Fascism in Translation.” Boston Review, 4 Nov. 2019.
Marco, Jorge. “The Antifascist Tower of Babel: Language Barriers in Civil-War Spain.” The Volunteer, vol. 36, no. 4, 19 Nov. 2019.
Ofosu-Somuah, Barbara and Candice Whitney. “Translating Italy, Translating Blackness.” Public Books, 10 Dec. 2020.
Ritzmann, Alexander. “Is there a “Brown-Army-Faction” in Germany?” American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, 11 Dec. 2011.
Robertson, Aaron. “Publishers Need More Black Translator Friends.” Words Without Borders, January 2021.
Robertson, Aaron. “Xenophobia Meets Reality in Italy.” Foreign Policy, 13 June 2018.
Russell, Anthony. “Translating Black Lives Matter into Yiddish.” Jewish Currents, 5 June 2020.
Trouillot, Évelyne, “Respecting the Diversity of Creativity,” Words Without Borders, January 2021.
Turner, Ri J. “How a Daughter of the French Resistance Learned the Truth of Her Roots.” The Forward, 5 July 2018.
Whitney, Candice. “Leaning away from racial evaporations in Italy.” The Dreaming Machine, 29 Nov. 2017.
Whitney, Candice. “Angela of NaturAngi: Blogger of Italy's Natural Hair Movement.” Women Change Africa, 4 Oct. 2017.
Whitney, Candice. “Race, culture and colonial legacy in today’s Italian citizenship struggles.” Kheiro Magazine, 20 June 2017.
Books and Academic Resources
Brouwer, Aron. “‘Every Frenchman Must Read This Book’: The Impact of Politics and Ideology on the Production, Translation and Dissemination of Hitler’s Mein Kampf in France, 1933-1939.” Quærendo., vol. 49, no. 3, Brill Academic Publisher, 2019, pp. 195–227.
Diop, Ibou. “Dialektik der Differenz: Leopold Sédar Senghor und die Négritude in Paris.” Migration und Avantgarde Paris 1917-1962, edited by Stephanie Bung and Susanne Zepp, De Gruyter, 2020.
Komska, Yuliya, Michelle Moyd, and David Gramling. Linguistic Disobedience: Restoring Power to Civic Language. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Marco, Jorge. “‘An Army of mutes in disguise’: Languages and Transnational Resistance in France during the Second World War.” Language and Intercultural Communication, 10 Nov. 2020.
Marco, Jorge. Guerrilleros and Neighbours in Arms: Identities and Cultures of Anti-fascist Resistance in Spain. Sussex Academic Press, 2016.
Marco, Jorge. “The Long Nocturnal March. The Spanish guerrilla in the European narrative of antifascist resistance (1936-1952).” Mass Violence in Spain 1936 – 1952: Grappling with the Past edited by Peter Anderson and Miguel Ángel del Arco Blanco, Routledge, 2015.
Marco, Jorge and Maria Thomas. “‘Mucho malo for fascisti’: Languages and Transnational Soldiers in the Spanish Civil War.” War & Society, vol. 38, no. 2, 29 Jan 2019.
Marco, Jorge. “Transnational Soldiers and Guerrilla Warfare from the Spanish Civil War to the Second World War.” War in History, vol. 27, no. 3, 20 Sep. 2018.
O’Keeffe, Brigid. Esperanto and Languages of Internationalism in Revolutionary Russia. Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.
Palgrave Studies in Languages at War, book series.
Pasieka, Agnieszka. "In Search of a Cure? Far-right Youth Activism and the Making of a New Europe." Europe's Malaise edited by Duina, F. and Merand, F. Research in Political Sociology, Vol. 27, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, 2020, pp. 85-102.
Pasieka, Agnieszka. “Anthropology of the Far Right: What If We Like the ‘unlikeable’ Others?” Anthropology Today, vol. 35, no. 1, Royal Anthropological Institute, 2019, pp. 3–6.
Pasieka, Agnieszka. “Taking Far-Right Claims Seriously and Literally: Anthropology and the Study of Right-Wing Radicalism.” Slavic Review, vol. 76, no. S1, 2017, pp. S19–S29.
Pasieka, Agnieszka. “Reenacting ethnic cleansing: people's history and elitist nationalism in contemporary Poland.” Nations and Nationalism, vol. 22, 2016, pp. 63–83.
Rafael, Simone and Alexander Ritzmann. “Background: the ABC of hate speech, extremism and the NetzDG.” Hate Speech and Radicalisation Online, The OCCI
Research Report 3, 2019.
Ritzmann, Alexander. “The Role of Propaganda in Violent Extremism and How to Counter It.” 8th Euromed Survey, IEMed, 2017.
Robertson, Aaron. “Translating Women’s Stories out of Oblivion.” World Literature Today, vol. 93, No. 4, 2019.
Rundle, Christopher. “The Censorship of Translation in Fascist Italy.” The Translator, vol. 6, no. 1, 2000, pp. 67–86.
Rundle, Christopher and Vicente Rafael “History and translation. The event of language.” Border Crossings: Translation Studies and other disciplines, edited by Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer. Benjamins Translation Library, No. 126, 2016, pp. 23-48.
Rundle, Christopher. Publishing Translations in Fascist Italy. Peter Lang, 2010.
Rundle, Christopher. “Publishing Translations in Mussolini's Italy: A Case Study of Arnoldo Mondadori.” Textus, vol XII, no. 2, 1999, pp. 427-442.
Rundle, Christopher. “Resisting Foreign Penetration: the Anti-translation Campaign in Italy in the Wake of the Ethiopian War.” Reconstructing Societies in the Aftermath of War: Memory, Identity and Reconciliation. Bordighera Press, VIA Folios, n. 34, 2004, pp. 292-307.
Rundle, Christopher. “Stemming the Flood: The Censorship of Translated Popular Fiction in Fascist Italy.” Perspectives, Studies in Translatology, vol. 26, no. 6, Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 2018, pp. 838–51.
Rundle, Christopher. “Theories and Methodologies of Translation History: The Value of an Interdisciplinary Approach.” The Translator, vol. 20, no. 1, 2014, pp. 2-8.
Rundle, Christopher. “Translation and Fascism.” The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Politics, London and New York, Routledge, 2018, pp. 2-47.
Rundle, Christopher. “Translation as a Threat to Fascism, Translation and Opposition.” Multilingual Matters, 2011, pp. 295-304.
Rundle, Christopher and Kate Sturge, Eds. Translation Under Fascism. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Turner, Ri J. “Confronting the Jewish Rejection of Jewish Particularism: Chaim Zhitlowsky’s Anti-Assimilationist Intervention in the American Yiddish Press.” Res Rhetorica, vol. 7, no. 2, Polskie Towarzystwo Retoryczne/ Polish Rhetoric Society, 2020.
Compiled by Elizabeth Cornick